#QOTD: What is currently your favorite single beverage?
Things that I have decided are important: Keeping life spicy, wine, my health, and being honest.
LINKS: Cyberdust – https://cyberdust.com/ Music by T.Jay – https://www.wordplaytjay.com/
TIMESTAMPS: 0:39 – Do you believe in Jim Collins belief that we can only focus on 3 things? 1:38 – What is the best way to grow a following or community from nothing? 3:36 – Tea or Coffee? or wine? 3:57 – As a business leader whats one thing that keeps you up at night? 4:54 – Center or Edge? 5:01 – What’s the best way for a right hook to seem like a jab? 7:26 – How can public institutions/government use social media more effectively in marketing campaigns?