#QOTD: How many copies of the #AskGaryVee Book are you going to buy?
#TIMESTAMPS 2:00 – If you had the opportunity to speak in front of an auditorium full of elementary schoolers, what would be your topic of choice and why? 5:26 – Is it possible to have TWO burning passions and pursue them at the same time without half-assing them? Or is it ideal to pick one at a time? 11:25 – Can you rate my Instagram on a 1-10 scale & tell me how I could improve it? 14:35 – If you have a business that is growing fast, is it more important to perfect the system/process or focus on adding more people to the team? 16:51 – Instagram ads look like they will be opening up soon. If you were launching a book and you could only spend money on one place in ads, would you pick Instagram or Facebook? Also, how would you hit 10k pre-orders through bulk orders, where would you focus your energy?
#LINKS GARY ON JIMMY FALLON https://www.viddler.com/v/13aaa7 THE MONDAY VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6M-X… WUZZLES ON EBAY https://www.ebay.com/bhp/wuzzles INSTAGRAM FROM THIS EP’S AUDIT https://instagram.com/whadafunk/