#QOTD: What are you doing this weekend?
#LINKS: My AMA on Reddit – https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments… Music by T.Jay – https://www.wordplaytjay.com/ Today’s Voiceover by Max Bass – https://twitter.com/maxthatbass
#TIMESTAMPS 00:44 – If you owned a winery in Napa, what would your left jabs look like? 03:24 – Do you respond to your post/tweets/emails/messages personally? or do you delegate? 04:52 – What foods have you added to your lifestyle that you are enjoying the most? 05:23 – How can I converge my vision of being a youtuber, while my parents want me to go to college? 05:49 – What are your thoughts about FB banning like-gating soon? 07:06 – Do you think Reddit is a social media? do you find it useful?
Guys, I’m so serious. If a winery in Napa started doing unbiased wine reviews from around the world, it would be HUGE. When one of you does it, you can thank me later 😉 I’ll see you all in a couple of weeks when I get back from vacation. I hope you all get to spend tons of time with your families, and I can’t wait to answer your questions in September!