#QOTD: What would you like to see happen over the next 100 episode of the #AskGaryVee Show
#QOTD, 2: Give me your three bullets on the first 100. I’ll read your comments over Memorial Day Weekend.
#TIMESTAMPS 1:18 – Why would people sell clothes on Instagram when people can just go to the ACTUAL STORE to get what you’re selling? 3:03 – Marketing to the next generation through Facebook is on par with putting ads in the yellow pages. Anyone disagree? Facebook is dead. What’s next? 5:21 – Wait. How does one deactivate Twitter? 5:46 – People ruined the artistic intention of Instagram. Like now people try to sell a fridge on it. The fuck? 7:40 – How many of you guys use Pinterest? We’re just finding our feet on it, what would you like to see from @KwansKitchen? 11:44 – How do I get a job working for you?
#LINKS EPISODE 100: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUFbO… NEW T-SHIRTS: https://www.teepublic.com/user/GaryVee WATCH MY NEWEST VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6tKf…